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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Braddock America

Directors - Gabriella Kessler and Jean-Loïc Portron
Run Time - 100 minutes
Languages - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2013
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- American Studies, Business, Economics. Globalization, History (U.S.), Labor Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

A few miles outside of Pittsburgh, lies the town of Braddock, the last bastion of steel. Like many cities in the industrial heartland, Braddock has seen better days. But its community continues to come together as it tries try to shape the future and reinvent itself in a postindustrial West.

Critics Pick "A blue collar poem that pays bittersweet tribute to a once-thriving steel town. A heartbreaking look at what industrialization wrought and globalization wrecked." - The New York Times

"Follows in the footsteps of 'Roger and Me' and 'Detropia'." - The Hollywood Reporter

"Enormously unforgettable document of post-industrial America." - The Village Voice