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Filmmaker Bio
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Filmmaker Bios

RITU SARIN, Producer and Co-Director

Ritu was born in New Delhi. She finished her schooling in London and did her undergraduate studies in Delhi University. After graduation, she worked in Europe for three years, representing the Tea Board of India. Having always had a passion for the cinema, she then did an MFA in Film and Video from the California College of the Arts in Oakland.

TENZING SONAM, Writer and Co-Director

Tenzing was born in Darjeeling in northeastern India of Tibetan refugee parents. After graduating from Delhi University, he worked for a year in the Tibetan Government-in-exile in Dharamsala. He then travelled for a few years, spending time in Switzerland, New York, Scottsdale and Los Angeles before ending up at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California in Berkeley, where he specialized in documentary filmmaking.