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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Indian Point

Director - Ivy Meeropol
Run Time - 94 minutes
Languages - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2015
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- American Studies, Business, Conflict Resolution, Environmental Studies, History (U.S.), Law & Legal Studies, Political Science, Science, Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $345

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant looms just 35 miles from Times Square. With over 50 million people living in close proximity to the aging facility, its continued operation has the support of the plant's operators and the NRC -- Nuclear Regulatory Commission -- yet has stoked a great deal of controversy in the surrounding community, including a vocal anti-nuclear contingent concerned that what happened at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant could happen here. In the brewing fight for clean energy and the catastrophic possibilities of government complacency, director Ivy Meeropol presents a balanced argument about the issues surrounding nuclear energy and offers a startling reality check for our uncertain nuclear future.