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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
A Life's Work

Director - David Licata
Run Time - 90 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2019
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- African American Studies, Aging, American Studies, Anthropology, Architecture, Biographies/Profiles, Cultural Studies, Design, Environmental Studies, History (U.S.), Music, New Releases, Philosophy, Technology

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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What's it like to dedicate your life to work that won't be completed in your lifetime? Fifteen years ago, filmmaker David Licata focused on four projects and the people behind them in an effort to answer this universal question.

The subjects include Jill Tarter, Director of the SETI Institute, who has been involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence since the 1970s; David and Jared Milarch, father and son tree farmers and co-founders of the Champion Tree Project, who clone old-growth trees to combat climate change; gospel music archivist Robert Darden, who founded the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project, an organization that is trying preserve at-risk recordings from the black gospel music tradition; and Paolo Soleri, controversial architect behind Arcosanti, a town designed to test his theories about housing an overpopulated planet.

We discover what inspired them to begin, what obstacles they face, what drives and sustains them, and how they measure success of an endeavor they will not live to see completed. But most of all we discover that their lives really aren't that different from everyone else's: who hasn't gazed at the stars and wondered if we are unique, nurtured a plant, sought ideal shelter, fell in love with a song and couldn't wait to share it with someone? And who among us will truly see our work finished before we leave this earthly plain?

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"In a time of when many of our rewards are instantaneous, it is mind boggling to be reminded that there are people who spend their lifetime patiently working on years long projects that they will not see finished. David Licata expertly tells the story of four of those unique individuals. A Life's Work is a welcome a reminder of other ways of being in the world." - Jim Robbins, New York Times science writer & book author

"A Life's Work is a remarkable journey that reveals the minds of people willing to devote themselves to a cause far bigger than they are. A moving, heartfelt, and important lesson and inspiration for us all." - Paul M. Sutter, PhD, Author of Your Place in the Universe & How to Die in Space: A Journey Through Dangerous Astrophysical Phenomena