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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

Director - Joseph Dorman, Toby Perl Freilich
Run Time - 104 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2018
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- American Studies, Biographies/Profiles, Civil Rights, Cold War Era, Cultural Studies, Economics, History (U.S.), New Releases, Philosophy, Political Science, Urban Studies.

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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Daniel Patrick Moynihan (1927-2003) did not just live in the twentieth century, he strode across it: a colossus of ideas and a man of deeds. He was an influential intellectual and sociologist, policy specialist, ambassador and long-serving senator. In an age of rigid ideologies, he was a man who embraced the contradictions and complexity of public policy without ever despairing of the role of government in the lives of its citizens. Fifteen years after his death, as the nation sinks further into hyper-partisanship and politics has become dominated by the frenzy of social media, the first feature length documentary about his life captures Moynihan as never before.

From Moynihan's New York Times obituary by Adam Clymer:

"Daniel Patrick Moynihan...was always more a man of ideas than of legislation or partisan combat. For more than 40 years, in and out of government, he became known for being among the first to identify new problems and propose novel, if not easy, solutions, most famously in auto safety and mass transportation; urban decay and the corrosive effects of racism; and the preservation and development of architecturally distinct federal buildings. In the halls of academe and the corridors of power, he was known for seizing ideas and connections before others noticed. a bold, often brilliant synthesizer whose works compelled furious debate and further research. [His wife Elizabeth] often said she married him because he was the funniest man she ever met."

More about this film's theatrical release.