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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in our Times

Director - John Junkerman
Run Time -  74 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD
Year - 2002
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interest- Biographies/Profiles, Globalization, History (U.S.), Human Rights, Latin America, Middle East, Political Science

Institutional DVD Price: $295

Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in our Times gives the public a rare opportunity to see and listen to one of the most articulate, committed and hard-working political dissidents of our time, MIT linguist and political philosopher Noam Chomsky. 

Chomsky has been called “the most important intellectual alive” by the New York Times, yet he has generally been ignored by the mainstream in America. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, Chomsky found himself called upon to provide much-needed analysis and historical perspective regarding this moment in American history.  In the months following 9/11, Chomsky gave dozens of talks on four continents, conducted scores of media interviews, and published a book called 9-11 - a surprise bestseller in some of the 22 countries in which it was published.

Chomsky remains a steadfast critic of United States foreign policy and presents his often unpopular, but always incisive arguments based on decades of research and analysis, ultimately contextualizing recent events in light of the history of Imperialism.

Chomsky places the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in the context of American foreign intervention throughout the postwar decades - in Vietnam, Central America, the Middle East, and elsewhere. Beginning with the fundamental principle that the exercise of violence against civilian populations is terror, Chomsky - in stark and uncompromising terms - challenges the United States to apply to its own actions the moral standards it demands of others.

"Highly recommended. While some may label Chomsky a leftist ideologue, his message transcends polemics and needs to be seriously considered." - Library Journal

"Recommended. Chomsky impresses here not with his dates and statistics concerning U.S. meddling in Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia (although there is ample evidence....), but rather with the simple, inexorable lure of straightforward logic. This should be a shoe-in for academic collections, and should be very strongly considered by larger public libraries." - Video Librarian

"Functions well as an introduction to the current state of Chomsky's political views."
- Online Journal for Peace and Conflict Resolution