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Praise for Josh Aronson'S ORCHESTRA OF EXILES

"Humane and inspiring. Aronson intersperses voice-over narration and period newsreel footage and photography with a sometimes delightful, always thoughtful, occasionally humorous series of talking heads consisting of the cream of the concert world. The commentary provided by these witnesses amplifies our sense of Huberman’s place in the classical firmament while also placing his work of cultural rescue in its moral and political dimension. All this, and a rich array of great music deployed as soundtrack. A nearly forgotten figure has been resurrected, his humanitarian and professional achievements given proper due. I defy you to leave with a dry eye." - Allen Ellenzweig, The Forward

"'Orchestra of Exiles' demonstrates the very concrete way in which culture is preserved and maintained, with transmission and human survival becoming intertwined realities."
- The New York Times

"The story of Bronislaw Huberman is little known outside of Israel, and it is a remarkable one. Appropriately, writer-director Josh Aronson has turned it into a remarkable film, one of the best documentaries I've seen in years. From the opening scene, a skillful recreation of the first rehearsal of what was then the Palestine Symphony, the film seizes the audience. Aronson mixes period photographs and news footage with recreated scenes, a potentially risky process that Aronson pulls off masterfully. He interviews dozens of people, from famous musicians like Pinchas Zuckerman and Joshua Bell to men and women who knew Huberman, using their words to punctuate the recreations, and the result is a documentary with the dramatic energy of a fictional narrative."
-Harper Barnes, St. Louis Beacon

"Engrossing." - Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times

"Contains marvelous footage... a great, too-little-known piece of history."
- Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor

"A harrowing, inspiring story, and the details of Huberman’s life are fascinating as they spill forth." - David Noh, Film Journal

"Both illumines humanity's darkest period from a fresh perspective while delivering the story of an astonishing hero little known in America." - Erica Abeel, Huffington Post

"Moving and richly historical." - Emma Bernstein, Indiewire

"Compelling...It’s amazing a Hollywood retelling hasn’t happened already."
- Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News

"Inspirational." - Ronnie Scheib, Variety

"This film is very close to our core values" - Pinchas Zukerman

"An exciting and touching story." - Broadway World