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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

Directors - Brenda Goodman
Run Time - 77 minutes
Languages - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2013
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Adolescence, American Studies, Cinema Studies, Communication, Cultural Studies, Education, Family Relations, History (U.S.), HIV/AIDS, Political Science, Science, Women’s Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

When we learn about sex, we don't just learn about social mores and biology; what we learn affects our identity, our relationships and our ability to be intimate throughout our lives. Many people look back at how they learned about sex, whether it was a book, an embarrassing parental chat, a school presentation, or porn, and remember their shock and embarrassment. Sex(ed) captures the humor and vulnerability of those experiences while allowing us to look at the various agendas that shaped the content. To get at the truth behind the history and current state of sex education in the United States, Sex(ed) examines sex education films from the 1910s up to the present day. Often hilarious, sometimes instructive, and almost always awkward and embarrassing, these films reflect the changing moral, cultural and political attitudes that inspired them.
"Fantastic... a compendium of sorts really of how sex ed has evolved... an eyeopening look at sex education in this country."- Caroline Modarressy Tehrani, HuffPost Live

"SEX(ED) is funny, sure, but it's also an interesting and enlightening peek at the history of sex education... an entertaining timeline that should have viewers thinking back on their own memories of sex-ed." - Dina Gachman, USC Women of Cinematic Arts