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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
The Storm Makers

Director - Guillaume Suon
Run Time - 52 / 66 min.
Language - Khmer w/ English subtitles
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2014
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests-Adolescence, Anthropology, Asia, Business, Cultural Studies, Economics, Family Relations, Globalization, History (U.S.), History (World), Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Labor Studies, Law & Legal Studies, Political Science, Sex & Sexuality, Vietnam, Women’s Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $250 (52 min. version) / $295 (66 min. version)

Hundreds of thousands of Cambodians work abroad, and over a third have been sold as slaves. Most are young women, held prisoner and forced to work in horrific conditions, sometimes as prostitutes. Featuring brutally candid testimony, The Storm Makers is a chilling expose of Cambodia's human trafficking underworld and an eye-opening look at the complex cycle of poverty, despair and greed that fuels this modern slave trade.

At the age of 16, Aya was sold to work as a maid in Malaysia. She was exploited, beaten and eventually ran away, only to be captured and raped. When she returns to Cambodia with an infant son, just as poor as when she left, her mother greets her not with joy, but with anger that her daughter has come back with yet another mouth to feed instead of money. "I should have died over there," says Aya in a singsong, childlike voice that masks the horrors she endured.

Pou Houy, 52, is a successful trafficker who runs a recruitment agency in Phnom Penh and claims to have sold more than 500 girls. Shockingly outspoken and expressing no remorse, he sees himself as a smart businessman and good Christian.

Pou Houy's enterprise relies on local recruiters who bring him candidates from their rural communities. One of these is Ming Dy, who sold her own daughter and continues to supply Houy with new recruits from her village. In one wrenching scene, Ming Dy's husband cannot bring himself to speak to his daughter when she calls from a new job abroad, where she earns a dollar a day. "I told my wife not to sell young people from the village," he says. "Buddha condemns those who sell people like animals."

As Amnesty International, the United Nations, other NGOs, and governments argue over the best way to protect vulnerable migrants, The Storm Makers shows the real consequences for individuals, their families and communities.

● Mecenat Award for Best Asian Documentary Film, Busan International Film Festival
● Full Frame Inspiration Award, Full Frame Documentary Film Festival
● Best Feature Film, Milan Festival of African, Asian and Latin American Cinema
● Special Mention Award, Salaya International Documentary Film Festival

“9 out of 10. Revelatory...breathtaking. In its focus on trauma’s lasting effects, The Storm Makers is of a piece with producer Rithy Panh’s  other work, including… S21: The Khmer Rouge Killling Machine.” - Popmatters

“A harrowing, uncompromising portrayal of human trafficking in Cambodia.” - Washington City Paper