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Every Three Seconds
A film by Dan Karslake

100 minutes, documentary, color, 2014
DVD packaged in a certified Green Forestry eco pack

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In a society where materialism reigns, what is the real secret to happiness? Award-winning filmmaker Daniel Karslake (For the Bible Tells Me So) tells the unforgettable stories of five regular folks – a boy, a college student, a thirty-something and two seniors – whose lives went from ordinary to extraordinary based on one simple decision: to engage. Each chose action over apathy, and in the process, each one has had a significant and lasting impact on two of the most challenging, yet solvable, issues of our time: hunger and extreme poverty.

Every Three Seconds is about doing well by doing good – about changing the world and changing your own life in the process.

Watch the Trailer


"Every Three Seconds is an empowering, beautiful act of compassion that will move you to do what evolution has designed us to do -- take care of our fellow human beings in small acts of grace."
- Dacher Keltner,  Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley and Founding Director, The Greater Good Science Center

"Every Three Seconds is an extraordinary film. It takes complex issues and challenges facing our world today and makes them accessible to everyone, from first-graders to retirees. What's more, it takes you on a journey alongside regular AND inspiring individuals who are making the world a better place -- in simple, friendly, and incredibly powerful ways. Everybody should see this movie!"
- April Rinne, Sharing Economy Expert, Advisor and Social Innovator

"This film left me inspired, hopeful and wondering what my little part might be in eliminating hunger and extreme poverty. I can no longer believe that these problems are simply too big to solve." - Kyan Douglas, Emmy award winning TV Host (Queer Eye For The Straight Guy)

"Every Three Seconds is so inspiring!  I loved the stories of everyday heroes and am inspired when I see people who are doing their part to make this a world that works for everyone.  It motivates me to do my own work.  A great film!"
- Caroline Boudreaux, Founder, The Miracle Foundation

"A truly remarkable film! If you want to be inspired into action to make a difference in the world then the passion and focus of the individuals in this film will give you the inspiration to go out there and make a difference." - Christine Lloyd,  Former Director, Human Resources, UNICEF




Disc Features

●  Director's Travel Vlog
●  Short Video: Waithaka's Artwork
●  Participant Media PSA

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