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Praise for Vanessa Roth's AMERICAN TEACHER

"American Teacher raises important questions about America's teachers. It should spark a much-needed conversation." -Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

"Every policymaker should be required to see the new film American Teacher. Powerful, compelling!" - Mark Phillips, Washington Post

"As we watch the individuals in "American Teacher" struggle with the burdens the system places on them, it's hard not to feel like crying, both for them specifically and for our national culture. As one education authority laments after revealing his son's salary-based job choice, 'Something's wrong when selling cellphones is more important to society than being a teacher." - Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times

"This heartbreaking and essential look into the lives of those who put so much into educating other people's children ought to be seen by anyone concerned about the fate of the public school system, and the nation as a whole." - Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News

"Succeeds where Waiting for Superman egregiously failed." - Cineaste

"Terrific, uplifting and heartbreaking study of what it’s like to teach in America today should inspire intense admiration and even more intense anger over what is revealed…The filmmakers have done a wholly admirable job." - David Noh, Film Journal

"Sobering, Powerful!" - Ernest Hardy, Village Voice

"Effective, poignant!" - Nora Lee Mandel, Film Forward

"A heartfelt, bittersweet portrait of several teachers as they make the difficult decision of whether to stick with the profession...a nicely drawn study." - Neil Genzlinger, The New York Times

"One of those films which makes you want to cry, or scream, or both."
-Wanda Bershen, Documentary.org

"Few movies can entertain, inspire, and bring back memories while looking toward the future.  American Teacher is one such movie…watch it!" - Katherine Bonnin, Encore Magazine

"Those who teach or who love their local teachers will applaud."
- Ray Greene, Box Office Magazine

"American Teacher succeeds in reframing education's abstract ideological battles in terms of kitchen-table realities." - Kristina Rizga, Mother Jones

"Empathetically narrated by Matt Damon, [this] engaging pic is nicely assembled in all departments." - Dennis Harvey, Variety

"A valid counterargument in what’s become a hot topic in the doc world."
- Alison Willmore, AV Club

"Last year, “Waiting for Superman” created a mega-buzz by pushing the idea that the problem with US education was: lazy, overpaid, unionized, tenure-protected teachers… hold onto your cape, corporate crusaders, because “American Teacher” is set to hit the screen like a load of kryptonite and is guaranteed to blow holes in that argument."
- Gar Smith, Berkeley Daily Planet

"Sobering." - Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter

"Powerful." - Anthony Rebora, Education Week’s Teaching Now blog

"See American Teacher the next chance you get!" - Vince Grzegorek, Cleve Scene

"Captivating…shows why we must value our nation’s educators more by paying them more." - ABCDE Blog

"Eye-opening… an important documentary." - This Week in New York

"American Teacher exposes the reality of any normal teacher’s life, calls for action, and raises some important questions."  - Isabel Allende