"There was never a crew of guys who loved their country and fought for each other more than they did. They are still the best of brothers, and the best of America." - Senator John Kerry
"Brothers in Arms reveals the courage, the conviction and the pain of those Americans who fight our wars." - Senator Max Cleland
"Filmed before the Swift boat veterans brouhaha, Paul Alexander's partisan documentary is effective filmmaking. " - New York Times
"Powerful eyewitness testimony against the charges that Kerry didn't deserve his Silver Star for courage and his three Purple Hearts. Compelling stories." - New York Daily News
"A tightly focused narrative … Brothers in Arms is blessedly a story rather than a polemical harangue – it has swing, a narrative arc, unforgettable characters."
- American Prospect
" ! A fresh look at the Vietnam War." - Christian Science Monitor
"This summer's ongoing anti-Kerry smear campaign is effectively punctured by these eyewitnesses…These veterans are endlessly sympathetic and believable, both in their pain and their ongoing loyalty." - S.F. Weekly
"War stories, including some Apocalypse Now-style horrors, are shared, and Kerry's post-service antiwar stance is discussed (cue groovy late-’60s footage of the future presidential candidate speaking passionately about his experiences)…plainly persuasive."
- San Francisco Bay Guardian
Bonus materials:
- Director's Statement
- Biographies
- Photos
- Trailer Gallery
Format: DVD
Release Year : 2004
Running Time: 68 minutes
Color: Color
Language: English