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Accidental Courtesy
A film by Matthew Ornstein

96 minutes, documentary, color, English, 2016

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Musician Daryl Davis has played all over the world with legends like Chuck Berry and Little Richard, but it's what Daryl does in his free time that sets him apart. In an effort to find out how anyone can "hate me without knowing me," Daryl likes to meet and befriend members of the Ku Klux Klan - something few black men can say.

In his travels, he's collected robes and other artifacts from friends who have left the Klan, building a collection piece by piece, story by story, and person by person in hopes of eventually opening a "Museum of the Klan," a testimony to what knowledge and respectful, personal communication can accomplish.

Daryl's journey takes him to across the country, from DC to California, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Alabama, from old friends who have left the Klan, to friends still active in the organization, including a current Imperial Wizard of the KKK.

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"A provocative look at the black musician who counts high-ranking Klansmen among his close friends." - The Hollywood Reporter

"Meet a man who’s actually making America great again." - Rolling Stone

"Couldn't be timelier. Daryl Davis' compelling character and powerful message keep the audience engaged." - Los Angeles Times

"An entertaining and inspirational message of rapprochement...a great conversation starter." - Variety

"Soaring on the back of its endearing and intelligent subject, 'Accidental Courtesy' takes a unique look at an infuriating (and infuriatingly relevant topic) through an even-handed lens. The result is entertaining and insightful." - Letterboxd

The New York Times Critics' Pick




Disc Features

● Daryl with Kwame Rose at NYC Opening
● Daryl and Director Matt Ornstein on MSNBC’s Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell
● Crew Interviews
● Deleted Scenes
● South by Southwest Premiere

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