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Dancing Across Borders
A film by Anne Bass

88 minutes + bonus materials, documentary, color, 2010
In English & Khmer w/ English subtitles

Regular Price: $27.95
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Dancing Across Borders is the intimate and triumphant story of Sokvannara “Sy” Sar, who as a young man in Cambodia was dancing with a small troupe in Angkor Wat when Anne Bass, a longtime patron of dance in America, saw him perform. Bass was so taken with Sy’s talent and potential that she arranged for him to come to New York and audition for the prestigious School of American Ballet.

What unfolds in Dancing Across Borders is a tentative negotiation between Sy and the world of American ballet and culture – from the serene countryside of Southeast Asia to the high-powered rehearsal studios of New York, and finally to the stage of the Pacific Northwest Ballet in Seattle. The film follows Sy’s unusual development as a dancer and offers an astonishing, behind-the-scenes look into the world of American ballet.

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"A delight!" - The New York Times

"Moving, powerful!" - Vanity Fair

"Magical! A fairy tale come true." - San Francisco Chronicle

"Wonderful and moving... an Oscar-worthy delight!" - The Huffington Post

"Dazzling to behold." - The Village Voice

"An illuminating profile... riveting, breathtaking performances!" - Time Out New York

"I was floored and riveted...an ode to possibility, risk, discipline, and passion."
- Jerry Saltz, Senior Art Critic, New York Magazine

"Astonishing! Offers an unusual and exhilarating behind-the-scenes peek at the rigorous art form of ballet and moving... an Oscar-worthy delight!" - Spirituality and Practice Magazine

"Fascinating ...you don’t have to love ballet to appreciate it." - Bloomberg News

Recommended Reading

Round About the Ballet by William Cubberley & Joseph Carman

Grace Under Pressure: Passing Dance Through Time by Barbara Newman


See details about this film's theatrical run.

Disc Features

●  Sokvannara Sar performance: Mopey (Pacific Northwest Ballet, 2009)
●  Selected performances from the film: Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux; Square Dance; Coppelia; La Sylphide; La Sonnambula; On the Other Side
●  Interview with director Anne Bass
●  Photo Gallery

Other Formats

Also available on Khmer language DVD >>

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