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Food Beware
A film by Jean-Paul Jaud 112 minutes, color, French w/ English subtitles, 2008
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For the first time ever, our children are growing up less healthy than we are. As the rate of cancer, infertility and other illnesses linked to environmental factors climbs ever upward each year, we must ask ourselves: why is this happening? Food Beware begins with a visit to a small village in France, where the town's mayor has decided to make the school lunch menu organic and locally grown. It then talks to a wide variety of people with differing perspectives to find common ground - children, parents, teachers, health care workers, farmers, elected officials, scientists, researchers and the victims of illnesses themselves. Revealed in these moving and often surprising conversations are the abuses of the food industry, the competing interests of agrobusiness and public health, the challenges and rewards of safe food production, and the practical solutions that we can all take part in. Food Beware is food for thought - and a blueprint for a growing revolution. Featuring original music by Oscar-winner Gabriel Yared. OFFICIAL SELECTION - Berlin Film Festival Reviews "Food Beware' takes a pragmatic, health-based approach that’s a refreshing change from the moral and high-cultural preening that sometimes enter this debate in America...it's hard not to be charmed." - Mike Hale, The New York Times "Informative and entertaining! A blueprint that others might follow to bring organic, healthy and socially responsible food production and preparation to their communities." "A success story - a small French town that went organic and thrived. It lays out its pro-organic arguments forcefully...yet the tone is gentle, the music French, and the food shot so delectably that you can all but smell the freshly baked bread." - Bob Mondello, NPR "Eye-opening...a must-see for environmentalists, educators, politicians and the public interested in preserving what's left of our environment and health." "If there is a film to see this year about the environment and our health, it is Food Beware." - Le Monde "A powerful, important film! An inspiring and educational tale." "What we found remarkable about this movie is that not only is it a warning cry but also - indeed mostly - it is a celebration of life and hope offering very simple solutions." "A grassroots view of a mini-food revolution...the people Jaud talks to all ring true." "Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution' is a companion piece to films like 'Food Inc.' that detail the harm done to consumer and nature by chemical farming. But 'Food Beware' has an added dimension, going one step further to make the case that the cancer epidemic of our epoch is directly related to the chemical-laden agriculture that has been largely adopted in the pursuit of profit." - Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist Recommended Reading Lunch Lessons: Changing the Way We Feed Our Children Bitter Harvest : A Chef's Perspective on the Hidden Danger in the Foods We Eat and What You Can Do About It Chemical-Free Kids: How to Safeguard Your Child's Diet and Environment The Real Food Revival Slow Food Nation: Why Our Food Should Be Good, Clean, And Fair Organic, Inc.: Natural Foods and How They Grew Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About It Links See details about this film's theatrical run. Children's Environmental Health Network