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Uranium Drive-In
A film by Suzan Beraza

70 minutes, documentary, color, 2013
DVD packaged in a certified Green Forestry eco pack

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Will a small Colorado town return to the "glory" days of the past - mining and milling uranium?

Uranium Drive-In is the story of Naturita, Colorado, an economically devastated rural mining community that finds itself hopeful for the first time in decades. Their potential salvation: a new uranium mill, the first of its kind built in the U.S. in 30 years. A mill that would re-connect to Naturita to its proud history - supplying the uranium used to build the first atomic bomb, which ushered in the Nuclear Age. And now, a greener energy source to help free America from its dependence on foreign oil. But others in the town are worried about the severe health and environmental consequences of the last uranium boom.

Uranium Drive-In brings to light an American West whose iconic landscape is subject to the immense destruction that is the consequence of our national energy policy decisions. The film offers a range of perspectives that will spark dialogue about where our energy comes from and what sacrifices we make to meet our growing energy demands.

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"Beyond its provocative subject matter, we were especially impressed by the delicate and complex manner in which the film balances opposing perspectives."
- Basil Tsiokos, Senior Programmer, DOC NYC

"8/10. Follows all sides of the controversy." - PopMatters

"Captivating...from mass consumerism to a small community's livelihood, 'Uranium Drive-In' takes a more personal approach to an environmental issue." - TakePart

Disc Features

● 5 Deleted Scenes (Pat, Paradox Resident; Clint, Former Urabium Minder; Marty, Organic Farmer; Hunter & Tony, Paradox Residents; Hank, Rancher)
● Resources

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