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Voices of the Andes

Directed by Stéphane Pachot

Written by Sébastien Jallade and Stéphane Pachot with the participation of Aurélia Frey. Produced by Elkin Communication.

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A Journey on Qhapaq Nan - The Great Inca Road

Qhapaq Nan, known as the Great Inca Road, is an ancient network of roads spanning more than 8,000 miles, running through the heart of the Andes, from the ocean and deserts all the way to Machu Picchu.

Constructed hundreds of years ago during the Inca Empire, this vast transportation network still weaves its way through modern-day Peru and Ecuador. An astonishing feat of engineering, it connected Inca cities, administrative centers, agricultural and mining areas as well as ceremonial centers and sacred spaces.

More so than other remnants of the Inca civilization, the Qhapaq Nan is a symbol of a common identity that nourishes the dreams of Andean people to this day and is central to reviving their unique cultural inheritance following centuries of European domination.

As this visually striking documentary takes us along the Great Inca Road - revealing its contours, its history, and its secrets - we witness a different image of the Andes and its people.


"Beautiful... sublime cinematography." - Emmanuel Hussenet, Journalist & Adventurer

Features and Specifications

Special Features:

  • Making Voices in the Andes
  • Filmmaker Biography

Format: DVD
Release Year : 2009
Running Time: 78 minutes
Color: Color
Language: Spanish w/English subtitles

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