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In the Garden of Sounds

A film by Nicola Bellucci

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Deprived of his sight at an early age, Wolfgang Fasser turns to his ears for access to a world he once feared would be closed off forever. Awed by the restorative powers of sound, Fasser established a physical therapy retreat for disabled children where they use music and noise to communicate with others and gain control of their own bodies.

As they embrace the physicality of sonic vibrations, the children's bodies slowly begin to move in harmony with the world around them: waves of sound enliven the comatose and soothe the anguished.

This film is a sensorial treat. Images of the remote Swiss countryside and mesmerizing sound design offer something profound; In the Garden of Sounds is very nearly tactile, drawing us into an experience where sound, vision, and touch become one [from Full Frame Documentary Film Festival].

What the Critics are Saying

"An acoustic and visual experience in a class of its own." - Swiss National Public Radio

"This debut feature on the healing powers of 'aural therapy' is a cinematic and sonic achievement, blending artful cameracraft with intricate soundscapes. With quiet reverence, it allows audiences to witness a remarkable journey into new sensory worlds, as children are given an indispensable key to improve their daily lives."
- Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Film Festival

"A touching, poetic exploration of the relationship between mind, body and sound, 'In the Garden of Sounds' is a cinematic journey to the borders of communication."
- Reykjavik International Film Festival

Features and Specifications

Special Features:

  • Travels with Wolfgang
  • Shalom Klezmer
  • Resource Guide
  • Filmmaker Biography
Format: DVD
Release Year : 2010
Running Time: 90 minutes
Color: Color
Language: Italian & Swiss German w/English subtitles

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