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A film by Sergio Giral

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In 19th century Cuba, African slaves known as “cimarrons” overpower their Spanish masters and hide in settlements in the eastern mountains. But discord among the cimarrons is sown by traitors working secretly for the Spanish. Maluala is part of a “historically lucid” (Village Voice) trilogy of films about Cuba’s slave uprisingsmade by Sergio Giral, the best known Afro-Cuban director.

What the Critics are Saying

"Courage and wit. . . forged in a righteous, red-hot ferment!" - Gary Dauphin, Village Voice

"Striking, colorful! An absorbing adventure wrought from historical events."
- San Francisco Film Festival

Recommended Reading

Cuban Cinema by Michael Chanan

Features and Specifications

Bonus materials:
  • Short Film: El Mégano (Dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1955)
  • Director Biography & Filmography

Format: DVD
Release Year : 1979
Running Time: 80 minutes
Color: Color
Language: Spanish w/English subtitles

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