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(x) Stonewall Uprising, The

A film by Kate Davis and David Heilbroner


The Stonewall Uprising explores the dramatic 1969 police raid on the Stonewall Inn that gave birth to the modern gay rights movement.

Told by those who took part, from drag queens and street hustlers to police detectives, journalists, and a former mayor of New York, and featuring a rich trove of archival footage, this riveting film revisits a time when homosexual acts were illegal throughout America and homosexuality itself was seen as a form of mental illness.

Hunted and often entrapped by undercover police in their hometowns, gays from around the U.S. began fleeing to New York in search of a sanctuary. Hounded there still by an aggressive police force, they found refuge in a Mafia-run gay bar in Greenwich Village, the Stonewall Inn. When police raided Stonewall on June 28, 1969, gay men and women did something they had not done before: they fought back.

As the streets of New York erupted into violent protests and street demonstrations, the collective anger announced that the gay rights movement had arrived.

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"Vitally important. Several significant films document the struggle for gay civil rights, including "Before Stonewall" and "After Stonewall"; "Stonewall Uprising" skillfully fills the gap in between. Bottom Line: fascinating doc provides the story of this pivotal moment in gay rights." - Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter

"Gripping... Fresh and fascinating! When the (riot) happens we feel its necessity in our bones." - Entertainment Weekly

"The most thorough exploration...of what came to be known as gay pride."
- The New York Times

"Kate Davis and David Heilbroner's taut documentary compellingly evokes the 'Rosa Parks moment' of the gay-rights movement." - TIME Magazine

"Critic's Pick! This riveting, powerful documentary packs quite a punch, presenting not only a recollection of a pivotal moment in the gay-rights movement, but also a concise history of American attitudes toward homosexuality." - New York Magazine

" absolute must-see! You'll swell with gratitude and joy as the pride spreads like wildfire." - Metrosource Magazine

Recommended Reading

Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution by David Carter

Before Stonewall: the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community by Andrea Weiss and Greta Schiller

Making Gay History: The Half Century Fight for Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights by Eric Marcus

Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present by Neil Miller

And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts

The Future of Gay Rights in America by H.N. Hirsch

90 minutes, documentary, color, English, 2011     

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