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Brothers in Arms

A film by Paul Alexander

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In the early months of 1969, six men met on a swift boat on the Mekong Delta during some of the worst fighting of the Vietnam War. Five of the men were crewmates - Tommy, Mike, Gene, David, Del - and the came from across America, from Boston to Northern California to Iowa. Their commander happened to be a young Yale graduate named John Kerry. The six men would endure the horrors of Vietnam together. They would remain friends for the next 35 years.

Brothers in Arms tells the story of their unique relationship. The documentary focuses on their experiences in Vietnam, but it also recounts what happened to them after the war and delves into the way each man has dealt with the experience of fighting in, as David puts it, "a war I discovered we didn't intend to win." Interviews, photographs and archival footage of the war are woven together to create a powerful and emotional film.

What the Critics are Saying

"There was never a crew of guys who loved their country and fought for each other more than they did. They are still the best of brothers, and the best of America." - Senator John Kerry

"Brothers in Arms reveals the courage, the conviction and the pain of those Americans who fight our wars." - Senator Max Cleland

"Filmed before the Swift boat veterans brouhaha, Paul Alexander's partisan documentary is effective filmmaking. " - New York Times

"Powerful eyewitness testimony against the charges that Kerry didn't deserve his Silver Star for courage and his three Purple Hearts. Compelling stories." - New York Daily News

"A tightly focused narrative … Brothers in Arms is blessedly a story rather than a polemical harangue – it has swing, a narrative arc, unforgettable characters."
- American Prospect

"! A fresh look at the Vietnam War." - Christian Science Monitor

"This summer's ongoing anti-Kerry smear campaign is effectively punctured by these eyewitnesses…These veterans are endlessly sympathetic and believable, both in their pain and their ongoing loyalty." - S.F. Weekly

"War stories, including some Apocalypse Now-style horrors, are shared, and Kerry's post-service antiwar stance is discussed (cue groovy late-’60s footage of the future presidential candidate speaking passionately about his experiences)…plainly persuasive."
- San Francisco Bay Guardian

Features and Specifications

Bonus materials:

  • Director's Statement
  • Biographies
  • Photos
  • Trailer Gallery

Format: DVD
Release Year : 2004
Running Time: 68 minutes
Color: Color
Language: English

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