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One Nation Under God
A Film by Teodoro Maniaci & Francine Rzeznik

83 minutes, color, English, 1993
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Imagine: beauty makeovers for butch lesbians; tackle football for gay men: electroshock orgasmic reorientation... these and other funny, bizarre, and often terrifying methods have been used for decades to "cure" gays and lesbians of their homosexuality. One Nation Under God takes us into the strange world of "ex-gay" ministries and "conversion" therapies, revealing shocking techniques used to "straighten" out all those "twisted" souls. At the center of the film are two former leaders of one of the biggest ex-gay ministries . . . who just happen to fall in love.

Watch a Scene from the Film

IN THIS SCENE: Gay couple - and former ex-gay ministry leaders - Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper discuss gay rights, religion and their own loving relationship.


"Very funny! An excursion into a strange world. Truly bizarre!" -LA Reader

"Funny and fascinating! Right out of A Clockwork Orange!" -Variety

"Hilarious, surreal! A whirlwind history of the gay movement in America."
-San Francisco Bay Guardian

"Startling! An excellent film that no one should miss." -The Sentinel

Recommended Reading

Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth by Wayne R. Besen

My Egypt: Why I Left the Ex-Gay Movement by Ben Tousey

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